Not sure that you have accurate financials?
- We are experts in cleaning up accounting systems.
- We will prepare accurate financial statements.
- You will gain a deeper understanding of the financial position of your business so you can make decisions based on reality instead of operating in the dark.
- We can train and create controls for your bookkeepers and accounting staff.
- Need us to dig deep into your records? We perform forensic analyses.
Not tracking profitability?
- We can set up your accounting system to track profitability by department, product, customer and location.
- We can perform "what if" scenarios to show how changes you make will impact cash flow or the value of the business.
- We will measure the performance of your business against peers in your industry.
- You can then identify areas for improvement in the business.
Income Tax Returns and Tax Planning
- Our returns stand up to the scrutiny of the IRS.
- You will get every tax break available to you.
- We will plan your taxes before year-end, both personally and for the business.
- Doing business in more than one state? We prepare multi-state tax returns.
Buying new accounting software?
- We can help you evaluate software you plan to purchase.
- We can create a customized chart of accounts and set up the accounting system.